


Tony Abbott made many promises and this one he's kept...


flyinemu: @SirThomasWynne and this is what it looks like when it all backfires on them



BOConnorMP: Min Abetz must explain why his office pressured Employment Dept to change jobs stats to fit Abbott's election promise. #auspol

senatormilne: Getting hot in Abbott kitchen with Financial Reform regs now paused. People waking up to Abbott's "rich get richer" at public expense.

Lee_Tennant: Asylum seeker children describe Christmas Island detention centre as 'hell', Human Rights Commission says … #auspol

Nettythe1st: So if Abbott can't say 'No' to whether he knew about Sinodinos before his appointment then the answer must be 'Yes' he knew #qt

GuardianAus: George Pell rejects former colleagues' testimony, labelling one a 'muddler'

nrlmatchreview: Oh so now we know. When Pell said the #Church should be able to be sued.. he meant for future victims not past victims #RoyalCommission

Wendycarlisle: Pell: many claims of sexual abuse in schools "not validated" & "less serious" Counsel asks 4 proof. Applause in gallery #RoyalCommission

MGliksmanMDPhD: Cardinal George Pell … They're not 'mistakes' if you did them deliberately, foul priest. Stop protecting him, @pontifex

AgnessMack: Pell: I don't apologize for worrying about spending Church's $ wisely, provided it's spent justly.#RC

paddybts: I know some disparage lawyers. But #Pell s crack about Ellis being a lawyer, rather than a victim defies belief! #royalcommission

PeterFosterALP: Attorney-General George Brandis: 'People do have a right to be bigots' … #auspol

bencjenkins: Well on the plus side I think Brandis accidentally called Bolt a bigot.

master_grundy: As he shrills over the illegitimacy of the SA government, it worth pausing to remember Chris Pyne is the education minister. #auspol #sapol

sortius: And there you have it people #auspol

SimonBanksHB: Meanwhile @Bowenchris is forensically discrediting @JoeHockey's #MYEFO that LNP will try to use to justify broken promises & savage cuts #qt

Helishingly: "And if Abbott is the answer it must be a very stupid question." (best comment ever)

_AdamTodd: More ICAC evidence re: Sinodinos. Sydney Water CEO warned him a year before he left AWH the company may be "dishonest" #eyewitnessnews

KevinWilde: So Arthur Sinodinos is warned about potential "dishonest" behaviour by AWH. He was only the Chairman. #ICAC #auspol

Kate_McClymont: This is looking bad for Arfur to have the head of SydneyWater warn him his directors were dishonest and to be careful. #ICAC #auspol

LanaDelNeigh_: Not much better ways to show you're guilty of human rights violations than by shutting down a human rights inquiry. #auspol

otiose94: #Auspol #Corruption, onourable Arfur @cathywilcox1 #QT #LatikaQT

SpaceKidette: If the level of debt is soooo huge why did the LNP borrow a further $62B in just 6 mths & want to cut 2 revenue streams? #qt

SimonBanksHB: Never heard a Minister use a Dorothy-dixer to prove they have no idea how the Budget works but @warrentrussmp giving it a red hot go! #qt

PaulBongiorno: Wait a minute the Deputy PM says the carbon tax and the mining tax raise imaginary money. I'm confused who should I believe?

SwannyQLD: And I'd warn Hockey against continuing to fiddle with figures as he'll get tangled in his web of lies come Budget time #qt

SwannyQLD: Hockey can fiddle figures all he likes, fact remains Aus has some of lowest net debt in developed world #qt

otiose94: #Auspol #ALP, #abbott Proof Fence #QT #LatikaQT

shanebazzi: @billshortenmp: Prime Minister, why is the government spending more time fighting the facts than fighting for jobs? #qt

muso1947: They're all so proud of themselves yet they've achieved nothing bar harm the defenceless. #Liberals #qt. #auspol

otiose94: #Auspol #nei, #MarchinMarch Cancel #FOXTEL #QT #LatikaQT

BOConnorMP: Min Abetz must explain why his office pressured Employment Dept to change jobs stats to fit Abbott's election promise. #auspol

senatormilne: Getting hot in Abbott kitchen with Financial Reform regs now paused. People waking up to Abbott's "rich get richer" at public expense.

Lee_Tennant: Asylum seeker children describe Christmas Island detention centre as 'hell', Human Rights Commission says … #auspol

Nettythe1st: So if Abbott can't say 'No' to whether he knew about Sinodinos before his appointment then the answer must be 'Yes' he knew #qt

GuardianAus: George Pell rejects former colleagues' testimony, labelling one a 'muddler'

nrlmatchreview: Oh so now we know. When Pell said the #Church should be able to be sued.. he meant for future victims not past victims #RoyalCommission

Wendycarlisle: Pell: many claims of sexual abuse in schools "not validated" & "less serious" Counsel asks 4 proof. Applause in gallery #RoyalCommission

MGliksmanMDPhD: Cardinal George Pell … They're not 'mistakes' if you did them deliberately, foul priest. Stop protecting him, @pontifex

AgnessMack: Pell: I don't apologize for worrying about spending Church's $ wisely, provided it's spent justly.#RC

paddybts: I know some disparage lawyers. But #Pell s crack about Ellis being a lawyer, rather than a victim defies belief! #royalcommission

PeterFosterALP: Attorney-General George Brandis: 'People do have a right to be bigots' … #auspol

bencjenkins: Well on the plus side I think Brandis accidentally called Bolt a bigot.

master_grundy: As he shrills over the illegitimacy of the SA government, it worth pausing to remember Chris Pyne is the education minister. #auspol #sapol

sortius: And there you have it people #auspol

SimonBanksHB: Meanwhile @Bowenchris is forensically discrediting @JoeHockey's #MYEFO that LNP will try to use to justify broken promises & savage cuts #qt

Helishingly: "And if Abbott is the answer it must be a very stupid question." (best comment ever)

_AdamTodd: More ICAC evidence re: Sinodinos. Sydney Water CEO warned him a year before he left AWH the company may be "dishonest" #eyewitnessnews

KevinWilde: So Arthur Sinodinos is warned about potential "dishonest" behaviour by AWH. He was only the Chairman. #ICAC #auspol

Kate_McClymont: This is looking bad for Arfur to have the head of SydneyWater warn him his directors were dishonest and to be careful. #ICAC #auspol

LanaDelNeigh_: Not much better ways to show you're guilty of human rights violations than by shutting down a human rights inquiry. #auspol

otiose94: #Auspol #Corruption, onourable Arfur @cathywilcox1 #QT #LatikaQT

SpaceKidette: If the level of debt is soooo huge why did the LNP borrow a further $62B in just 6 mths & want to cut 2 revenue streams? #qt

SimonBanksHB: Never heard a Minister use a Dorothy-dixer to prove they have no idea how the Budget works but @warrentrussmp giving it a red hot go! #qt

PaulBongiorno: Wait a minute the Deputy PM says the carbon tax and the mining tax raise imaginary money. I'm confused who should I believe?

SwannyQLD: And I'd warn Hockey against continuing to fiddle with figures as he'll get tangled in his web of lies come Budget time #qt

SwannyQLD: Hockey can fiddle figures all he likes, fact remains Aus has some of lowest net debt in developed world #qt

otiose94: #Auspol #ALP, #abbott Proof Fence #QT #LatikaQT

shanebazzi: @billshortenmp: Prime Minister, why is the government spending more time fighting the facts than fighting for jobs? #qt

muso1947: They're all so proud of themselves yet they've achieved nothing bar harm the defenceless. #Liberals #qt. #auspol

otiose94: #Auspol #nei, #MarchinMarch Cancel #FOXTEL #QT #LatikaQT

profdmcinnes: @SirThomasWynne pic

forthleft Mar: All ABC media units are forbidden from talking about the #MarchinMarchCanberra It came down from the goons on Thursday.
Even JJJ!

snnsx: @forthleft Then that ABC interview with Bob Such You could hear the demo occurring off camera, no mention of it #marchinmarch

forthleft Mar: The ban was on mentioning upcoming demonstrations.

snnsx: @forthleft I was watching v closely
Coverage only started once ABC journos were heavily targeted on Twitter

ShaughanA: They don't want Aus people seeing protests, think it might give us ideas!

TonyHWindsor: My advice to Geoff Brock is to avoid where possibly the use of News Ltd paper He should use Sorbent It records what actually occurs

ShaughanA: They don't want Aus people seeing protests, think it might give us ideas!

TonyHWindsor: My advice to Geoff Brock is to avoid where possibly the use of News Ltd paper He should use Sorbent It records what actually occurs

StanSteam2: The Two R̶o̶n̶n̶i̶e̶s̶ Arthurs... Matt Golding toon via @theage #auspol #insiders #Sinodinos #ICAC

ozipetezar: Murdoch hack and irrelevant LNP fog horn Paul Kelly "There is no question about Arty Sinodinos integrity"you can't make this crap up can you

leftocentre: What's that whiff??......... #ICAC #auspol

madwixxy: Tony Abbott and Greg Hunt's plan to turn the Barrier Reef into a waste disposal dump to be taken to court …

randlight: Scott Morrison defends move by PNG to call halt to Manus Island detention centre inquiry … via @smh anyone surprised?

PhilALynch: Aust Govt moves to shut down inquiry into human rights abuses in PNG detention centre. Shameful lack of transparency

WhereMyOstrich: @SpaceKidette Where is the Killer? #ManusIsland

ajbluebird7: TANDBERG

maddiet5: Hi @NoFibs comm cab today Gold Coast. 100's locked out, police filming participants & taking rego nos. #RoomAPlenty

GoldCoaster13: Barricades set up to keep community out of Community Cabinet invitation only #auspol #qldpol

geeksrulz: Why have the #MarchinMarch with many first time protestors been either derisively dismissed or kept at at distance?

GoldCoaster13: Premier Newman and all of his MP's locked most of community out today and would not meet with them #auspol #qldpol

GalacticWomanAu: I mean no offence to any of my Indigenous friends by posting this meme xx

75merc: Daily Retweet.Orphan Abbott

randlight: Banks stay out of limelight in push for advice changes … via @smh not surprised

LyndsayFarlow: Today @CARoyalComm will examine Cardinal #Pell's role in #CatholicChurch's treatment of John #Ellis #RoyalCommission

SBSNews: Labor will return for a fourth team in South Australia, forming a minority government

KezzerSA: @vanOnselenP following your article on Madam Speaker Bishop, here is further evidence of her incompetency - Joe! #auspol

Eric_T_Music: Legal action launched over dredging near Great Barrier Reef via @PoliticsFairfax #Auspol #Environment
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