
SophiaMcGrane: @SirThomasWynne he didn't answer the actual question put to him at all, he had his prop and was determined to use it!

NedBlacky: @JaneReid5 @SirThomasWynne What sort of human can use the drawing of an innocent child to deceive those who genuinely care?

NedBlacky: @JaneReid5 @SirThomasWynne What sort of human can use the drawing of an innocent child to deceive those who genuinely care?

FPsych: @SirThomasWynne I noticed it had a cost benefit analysis tone. Kids with interrupted development will cost the govnt more later

JaneReid5: @SirThomasWynne A callous attempt by @timwilsoncomau to appear caring, when asked by Jones he refused to say he would ask for their release.

FPsych: @JaneReid5 @SirThomasWynne @timwilsoncomau I thought Mona Eltahawy had a better understanding of human rights than Tim Wilson.

jackinbocks2025: @JaneReid5 @MinhKular @SirThomasWynne @timwilsoncomau Perhaps Brandis could be persuaded to give Mona the job and ditch "caring" Tim Wilson

JaneReid5: @FPsych @SirThomasWynne Everybody else on the panel outshone @timwilsoncomau he was merely mouthing platitudes with no real understanding

IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne He's a sociopath. He can't even do politics to hide it.

forthleft: @SirThomasWynne It's the psychopath-flip.

forthleft: @SirThomasWynne It's the psychopath-flip.

peterbayley: @SirThomasWynne @JaneReid5 I think we're being too hard on him. He's out from under the IPA blinkers and he's starting to think deeply

SophiaMcGrane: @SirThomasWynne anyway, what about the parents/relatives of the children who are also in detention?

peterbayley: @FPsych @JaneReid5 @SirThomasWynne @timwilsoncomau @monaeltahawy Mona absolutely Rocked!

Susan39307640: @SirThomasWynne @judbell43 @SophiaMcGrane First thing it reminded me of was Wacko Jacko dangling the baby over that balcony.Stunt

peterbayley: @JaneReid5 @FPsych @SirThomasWynne @timwilsoncomau Again, too mean, in my opinion. Let's give him some space and some time.

JaneReid5: @peterbayley @SirThomasWynne I do hope you are right and that he is capable of deep thinking.

FPsych: @peterbayley @JaneReid5 @SirThomasWynne @timwilsoncomau @monaeltahawy Yes, and Kenneth Roth, PM to denounce Torture

JaneReid5: @FPsych @peterbayley @SirThomasWynne @timwilsoncomau @monaeltahawy I loved that Kenneth Roth was such a straight talker with so much insight

FPsych: @JaneReid5 @peterbayley @SirThomasWynne @timwilsoncomau @monaeltahawy So did I. So knowledgeable, and basically called out PM & Brandis

JaneReid5: @FPsych @peterbayley @SirThomasWynne @timwilsoncomau @monaeltahawy Also gave Julie Bishop a well deserved bollocking as well :)

broomstick33: @SirThomasWynne @JaneReid5 It reminded me of John Howard waving around blacked out map of Oz misleading on Native Title. Shameful

JaneReid5: @FPsych @peterbayley @SirThomasWynne @timwilsoncomau @monaeltahawy Also gave Julie Bishop a well deserved bollocking as well :)

ShaughanA: @SirThomasWynne Here's A message from Up Stairs Go Down Moses Um Morrison,"LET MY PEOPLE GO!!!!!"

G_times: @krONik @SirThomasWynne saving the children to make them rootless traumatised orphans is no salvation in my book - may LNP rot in hell

abissicus: @SirThomasWynne Where was manager of opp/business and Mme Speaker to tell him he can't use props. Cynical move. @broomstick33 @JaneReid5

huddite: @SirThomasWynne @sheree_drylie here you go - hold up this one

lindsaycoombs: @SirThomasWynne @leftocentre @timwilsoncomau is nothing but a lying #IPA #LNP cu*t. He's the reason I stopped watching #TheDrum

leftocentre: @lindsaycoombs @SirThomasWynne @timwilsoncomau No Christmas card then? :-)

JmarrMarr: @leftocentre @lindsaycoombs @SirThomasWynne @timwilsoncomau How can anyone save the children by persecuting their parents? They are families!

leftocentre: @lindsaycoombs @SirThomasWynne @timwilsoncomau No Christmas card then? :-)

JmarrMarr: @leftocentre @lindsaycoombs @SirThomasWynne @timwilsoncomau How can anyone save the children by persecuting their parents? They are families!

IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne Cu*t!

SirThomasWynne: @IntuitiveGal1 can't say how disappointed it made me feel

KirrinaBarry: @SirThomasWynne Tim Wilson Worst Lib PR person ever!

flyinemu: @KirrinaBarry 2 common links between Abbott & Wilson they smile and lie at the same time obviously studied lies together @SirThomasWynne

jacklong17: @KirrinaBarry @narelleford @SirThomasWynne @flyinemu Its hard 2 believe peple like Wilson r purportedly the decision makers.Wehave regressed

SupraId: @SirThomasWynne Worst a Human Rights Commissioner

cabood: @SirThomasWynne All children in detention were there under former Govt. Current Govt is working hard to clean up the mess.

pauldutton1968: @cabood @SirThomasWynne children & parents. I wouldn't want my kids separated. All #AsylumSeekers deserve their appln's assessed efficiently

cabood: @pauldutton1968 @SirThomasWynne Which is what this Govt is trying to do. Cleaning up the mess inherited by Labor.

pauldutton1968: @cabood @SirThomasWynne Yeah. Processing nothing, wanting applicants to go home without assessment. Wake up to yourself.

SirThomasWynne: @pauldutton1968 @cabood I was questioning why is it only children, the Liberals have talked about [Howard & Abbott], no parents mentioned

pauldutton1968: @SirThomasWynne @cabood that's my question how is that appropriate, lessen costs by efficiently processing in Australia all.

pauldutton1968: @SirThomasWynne @cabood It's not unexpected for people who have been granted asylum to actually go home if situation improves.

pauldutton1968: @SirThomasWynne @cabood that's why i don't understand the issue. there are more visa overstayers than #asylumseekers. up to 50 000.

SirThomasWynne: @pauldutton1968 @cabood exactly. Of course, Mr Abbott has not once acknowledged that as an issue...STOP THE PLANES

earnmallee: @SirThomasWynne @forthleft Dunno why, bu every time I see Tim Wiwsen I fink "Barrerboy"!!

earnmallee: @SirThomasWynne @forthleft Dunno why, bu every time I see Tim Wiwsen I fink "Barrerboy"!!


JaneReid5: @SirThomasWynne Great summation, hope @TonyAbbottMHR was watching QandA so that he can see how he has trashed Australia's reputation.

prlloyd63: @SirThomasWynne @randlight Our political version of #fukushima

IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne I spent almost 2 years in Oz. He's a huge blight on the country, but only the residents can see/feel the damage. And, as an ashamed American, I totally feel your pain. I'm very sad for the wonderful people of the country.


suelynne12: @SirThomasWynne how about investigating the murder of AS. And put his family out of their misery.

JjzJon: @SirThomasWynne Oh yeah, he promised. Kryptonite Men/Informed public will spoil his poses and destroy him, by the next election. We promise

barnes1966: @SirThomasWynne Fantasy: @TonyAbbottMHR paddling out like Patrick Swayze into the Indian Ocean on his surf board to rescue MH370.

LennaLeprena: @SirThomasWynne the hype on tv is beyond belief...trying to frame the tosser as the great Oz hero ffs! Media cartel are effing bananas..

roguengine: @SirThomasWynne Should have a count down clock. Only 30k to swing the vote the other way

Caitlen2310: @roguengine @SirThomasWynne Im sure somebody could put one of those up!

SirEleventySmeg: @SirThomasWynne LNP trolls, depart now on Air Pyne with pilot & air host:

kingjohnkeyIII: @SirThomasWynne Just as well Tony "Action Man" Abbott is single-handedly leading the search for MH370…

chavron55: @SirThomasWynne he should have got his ipad out he would have found the plane much faster.

DissolvedAus: @chavron55 @SirThomasWynne He knows more than you think #Secrets are many and #WeDontGetToKnow

randlight: @SirThomasWynne Think this is true actually

dream_tansy: *gag* @SirThomasWynne

mazwheel: @SirThomasWynne And then we get to see the disguise of his choice. Perhaps hide and seek

[not April Fool joke]

leafyflower1: @SirThomasWynne there is a shiftier, slyer & more decrepit bull for the majority of policies....that's just the show bull for pic ops!

prlloyd63: @SirThomasWynne Japan have commenced legal action! No #abbott this doesn't constitute "political scientific research"

JjzJon: @SirThomasWynne Sir Bullshit-a-Lot at work. No wonder we are in Deep Shit.

Ed_co33: @SirThomasWynne he's obviously enjoying fossicking around with sir pository.

Caitlen2310: @SirThomasWynne Mooooooooooooooooo-Pooooooooooooooooooo Policies

ShaughanA: @SirThomasWynne He could warm his hands too, the cold blooded Bastard!!!

DissolvedAus: @SirThomasWynne yes I think has taken a few policies from me this week " a bit of warning would be nice" :/

earnmallee: @SirThomasWynne To use an old country expression: "I doubt if Tony could legrope a cow. We should put him in a chaff bag ........."

ShaughanA: @SirThomasWynne He tried Milkin it for years, But that didn't work! :-)

amruss1: @SirThomasWynne it's the smile, so familiar with the subject matter, he is brimming with relaxed confidence. View conversation

amruss1: @SirThomasWynne I was going to say rimming with relaxed confidence but, unusually, his tongue was not in the picture ;)

prlloyd63: @SirThomasWynne That poor animal!


outandabout12: @SirThomasWynne Note he has made Perth Home now ....Too bad about the rest of #Australia

SirThomasWynne: @outandabout12 he's a joke

Eschertology: @SirThomasWynne I expect the Australian Electoral Commission announce the entire 2013 election was an elaborate April Fool's joke and the ALP really won

Robtrinity: @SirThomasWynne I'd laugh too, if the fool didn't belong to us...#SimplyTheWorst! #SirMumbles #OneTermTony

ShaughanA: @SirThomasWynne Thing is, he's the April Fool.

flyinemu: @SirThomasWynne April fools may be a one day in a year event Abbott is a tool for every day of the week His a dangerous court jester #auspol

Talaolp: @SirThomasWynne shared on facebook … and loving it.

flyinemu: @randlight @SirThomasWynne I'm calling for an Annual "National Tool's day" In honour of Tony Abbott and the LNP RT Your support #auspol

SirEleventySmeg: @flyinemu @randlight @SirThomasWynne Abbott, the biggest shifting spanner. #auspol

SirThomasWynne: @SirEleventySmeg @flyinemu @randlight he's ratchet

SirEleventySmeg: @SirThomasWynne @flyinemu @randlight Hockey B. Bear the Foo Fighter sings "don't wanna be your monkey wrench"...

ShaughanA: @SirEleventySmeg @SirThomasWynne @flyinemu @randlight Pyne is a wingnut!

SirEleventySmeg: @ShaughanA @SirThomasWynne @flyinemu @randlight LNP trolls, depart now on Air Pyne with pilot & air host:

ShaughanA: @SirEleventySmeg @SirThomasWynne @flyinemu @randlight Pyne n Downer working on ABORTT Airlines … So funny!

SirEleventySmeg: @ShaughanA @SirThomasWynne @flyinemu @randlight They also double up as L'iar and DeShonke.

FPsych: @SirEleventySmeg @SirThomasWynne @ShaughanA @flyinemu @randlight I was only watching that video the other night. Too funny

SirEleventySmeg: @SirThomasWynne @flyinemu @randlight Hockey B. Bear the Foo Fighter sings "don't wanna be your monkey wrench"...

ShaughanA: @SirEleventySmeg @SirThomasWynne @flyinemu @randlight Pyne is a wingnut!

SirEleventySmeg: @ShaughanA @SirThomasWynne @flyinemu @randlight LNP trolls, depart now on Air Pyne with pilot & air host:

ShaughanA: @SirEleventySmeg @SirThomasWynne @flyinemu @randlight Pyne n Downer working on ABORTT Airlines … So funny!

SirEleventySmeg: @ShaughanA @SirThomasWynne @flyinemu @randlight They also double up as L'iar and DeShonke.

FPsych: @SirEleventySmeg @SirThomasWynne @ShaughanA @flyinemu @randlight I was only watching that video the other night. Too funny

myfibonacci: @flyinemu @SirThomasWynne we having National Tools Day today?

randlight: @SirThomasWynne so true and on Australia as well

Elaine_de_Saxe: @SirThomasWynne Trouble is, WE are the fools, whether supporters of his or not we cop it just the same.

cooee_pet: @SirThomasWynne ... My thoughts exactly and I refuse to refer to him as #PrimeMinister ...

GoTheGrey: @SirThomasWynne Unfortunately this fool doesn't stop at lunch time. He goes all day long...

flyinemu: @SirThomasWynne to define danger one only needs to google Tony Abbott to define the LNP one will find it's all Loud Noise Pollution #auspol

unravelau: @SirThomasWynne We cant afford to sit still and wait for TA the idiot to wake up.Australia needs guidance now, not HIM.

KezzerSA: @SirThomasWynne Every day is April 1st for #OneTermTony

chavron55: @SirThomasWynne hahah love it.

slsandpet: @SirThomasWynne Except we aren't laughing

nobby15: @SirThomasWynne Every day is Abbotts fool day

KezzerSA: @SirThomasWynne Every day is April 1st for #OneTermTony

chavron55: @SirThomasWynne hahah love it.

slsandpet: @SirThomasWynne Except we aren't laughing

nobby15: @SirThomasWynne Every day is Abbotts fool day

janecat60: Now this is not an April Fools Day joke.... It's Ron Tandberg with a truth bomb.

paddygibson: Dept to refugees in Villawood being moved to detention in remote WA: "thank you for abiding by the code of conduct"
(click pic to enlarge)

gobbledeegook: @SirThomasWynne #goodspeakerbadspeaker #auspol

ABCNews23: Coalition on the defensive over Manus 'side project'. #auspol

davpope: The quixotic Sir Pository my #IPCC #climate cartoon in today's @canberratimes

Doclach: Bronwyn Bishop should be removed as speaker. Incompetent and biased. @moir_alan cartoon #auspol

randlight: Tony Abbott's knights and dames ruined his first six months via @smh Vanstone yesterday Reith today tomorrow???

seatonks: Yes, Sydney Morning Herald, that's what ruined his otherwise perfect first six months... #auspol

seatonks: Yes, Sydney Morning Herald, that's what ruined his otherwise perfect first six months... #auspol

flyinemu: @randlight While Abbott bangs on union Corruption Sinodinos's makes Thomson's crimes, petty crimes #auspol

StanSteam2: AWH paid $183,000 to a Liberal party slush fund while #Sinodinos was director... … #auspol

MyFirstCousin: Why the jostling for a new assistant treasurer, I thought Sinodinos and Abbott were confident of his return?

StanSteam2: AWH paid $183,000 to a Liberal party slush fund while #Sinodinos was director... … #auspol

MyFirstCousin: Why the jostling for a new assistant treasurer, I thought Sinodinos and Abbott were confident of his return?

JaneReid5: I hope @JulieBishopMP is watching #qanda, Kenneth Roth is telling you some home truths.

SirThomasWynne: @JaneReid5 @JulieBishopMP she never stops having an opinion long enough to listen #qanda

dragonsaerie: @SirThomasWynne @JaneReid5 @JulieBishopMP Julie bishop believes in shouting down uncomfortable facts.

contriteshadow: @dragonsaerie @iDGiam @SirThomasWynne @JaneReid5 @JulieBishopMP #MadamShouter ?;-)

smh: Japan will respect court's order to end its annual Antarctic whale hunt despite "deep disappointment".

AltLJ: The full decision in whaling in the Antarctic case (Australia v Japan) ICJ judgment: … #auslaw

SirThomasWynne: 4 years of court judgement makes JAPANESE WHALING illegal I bet TONY ABBOTT CLAIMS HE DID IT..hohum

DissolvedAus: @SirThomasWynne @TonyAbbottMHR never ;-)

martiontwit: @SirThomasWynne You bet he will #auspol

SirThomasWynne: Tim Wilson is from a minority that's why he got the job. #qanda HE HAS 2 BRAIN CELLS WHICH IS 50% MORE THAN TONY ABBOTT.

GoTheGrey: @SirThomasWynne Sounds like a threat to Tone!

Talaolp: Presenting......Australia's Fool.

JulianBurnside: Good on Ken Roth for calling Abbott out for his implicit acceptance of torture in Sri Lanka #qanda

Talaolp: Presenting......Australia's Fool.

JulianBurnside: Good on Ken Roth for calling Abbott out for his implicit acceptance of torture in Sri Lanka #qanda

LaLegale: Nice! “@maelduin_ross: #QandA #auspol Go Mona!”

geeksrulz: 37 Boats in 100 Days at a cost of $7.5M And there are more boats where those 37 came from. #auspol #StopTheBS

Derptation: Operation Sovereign Absurdity is destroying the military's credibility … via @canberratimes

suigenerisjen: Great speech by @MelissaParkeMP on Australia's abhorrent asylum seeker policy. Must read:;page=0;query=Id%3A%22chamber%2Fhansardr%2Fad6e1917-440e-4f90-acad-16d2af135e93%2F0216%22 … #auspol

SBSNews: Australian Federal Police refuse to help PNG's probe into asylum seeker death of Reza Barati

SBSNews: Australian Federal Police refuse to help PNG's probe into asylum seeker death of Reza Barati

AustralianLabor: "The Abbott Govt needs to accept that climate change is real... No serious economist supports Abbott's policy" @billshortenmp #auspol

AshGhebranious: hahahaha Abbott asked about climate change and he talks about the weather and then quotes a poem. This man is anti human #auspol #wapol

markjs1: U don't need to know economics ..just listen to whatever Hockey says & assume the exact opposite is true #auspol #ausvotes

AustraliaVote: Take note Abbott & climate deniers. #Climate change a threat to security, food and humankind - IPCC report #auspol

torin: More jobs for the boys. Alexander Downer made new High Commissioner to the United Kingdom. #auspol

L_DeWeaver: Tax breaks & subsidies - both are corporate welfare! #auspol #tpp

MGliksmanMDPhD: … @TonyAbbottMHR's idea of an humanitarian effort is sparing Gina Rinehart & @rupertmurdoch the evils of tax #auspol

pandymonium01: For those in #auspol who are interested in how their money is spent/wasted:

AngelaLoRosso: Australians are reverting back to the racists 70's were vilifying Australian migrant kids was normal. Dare you to deny this. #auspol

MinhKular: Inhumane Abbott pretends to care about people on a plane. Has no care for refugees drowning, dying and languishing in detention. #auspol

THEMONTHLY: "It is time this Bishop was removed from the board": Mungo MacCallum on the former Minister for Caged Hair: #auspol

DeborahAnnG: Alexander Downer appointed to High Commissioner to UK. Soon to be Sir Fishnet Stockings one presumes... #auspol …

leftocentre: Numpty News: Breaking: Prime Sinister Lord Voldabbrort of The Peninsula makes stunning announcement...... #auspol

DavidW2035: @leftocentre As sad as it is, it is not news anymore. Abbott is milking it good. Must be a hard hat he can put on somewhere! #auspol

DaverRaver: @leftocentre it's becoming a cruel joax for the families if nothing is found- & sadly will have wasted a precious week of blackbox

markjs1: Abbott has learned NOTHING from visiting SA during recent election Lib vote fell 1.5% immediately after his visit :-) #auspol #ausvotes

TerenceBright: @markjs1 Tony should visit South Australia more often.

denniallen: Abbott says Labor wanted to have a "political monument" with the NDIS. HELLO, exorbitant Paid Parental Leave anyone? #auspol

jacklong17: @zakmckrakken @GayCarBoys @denniallen talk about a false political monument look no further than Abbotts posturing over the lost plane

cyenne40: If scientists discovered an asteroid hurtling towards the Earth, Abbott would squint skywards and say "I can't see anything".

MarianRakosi: SHAME JOE SHAME It's about govt priorities: Cuts vs Investments. Profits vs People. Surpluses vs Services. #auspol

rkd993: just wait until budget night if you think the lead up is bad #justsaying

FatherBob: Joe Hockey: Age of Entitlement is over. Is the Age of Noblesse Oblige taking its place? The beggar entitled to crumbs from rich man's table.

DeborahAnnG: Treasurer Joe Hockey flags tough measures in federal budget and oh yeah..., blames previous govt... #auspol …

Phil_B7: @DeborahAnnG What's the plan? Squeeze them until they become Soylent Green? Sell off as fertiliser?

DeborahAnnG: @Phil_B7 lol..., not so funny really..., you just have to wonder what the end game is??

FatherBob: Joe Hockey: Age of Entitlement is over. Is the Age of Noblesse Oblige taking its place? The beggar entitled to crumbs from rich man's table.

DeborahAnnG: Treasurer Joe Hockey flags tough measures in federal budget and oh yeah..., blames previous govt... #auspol …

Phil_B7: @DeborahAnnG What's the plan? Squeeze them until they become Soylent Green? Sell off as fertiliser?

DeborahAnnG: @Phil_B7 lol..., not so funny really..., you just have to wonder what the end game is??

buzzaussie: #auspol #qanda

KieraGorden: The two-faced blatant hypocrisy of Bronwyn Bishop having a go at Labor for laughing! #AusPol via @cyenne40

monti862: 92yr old Kokoda digger arrested for saving forest from foreign thieves #leardblockade @PhillipAdams_1 #auspol

GoldCoastNurse: A billionaire and a Millionaire want all of us in Queensland to live on minimum wage #auspol #qldpol @GCBulletin

snnsx: “@litbright: Coal seam gas is so profitable and what a job creator it is!” #auspol

Phil_B7: This is sort of nonsense #TPP will allow: Mining Company Sues Canada Over Fracking Ban in Quebec - In These Times

Quiet__Please: Is this Scott Morrison's brother, or has he been drinking the redneck Kool-Aid #qanda

JaundicedV: Great result for the whales & rationality. Thanks to @SeaShepherd especially, & others who put the pressure on Rudd govt to take it on. #ICJ

DavidW2035: Today's news: Whales saved. Every other species fucked due to climate change. Sorry kids we were just too selfish and cynical #IPCC #auspol

SBSNews: April Fools: the best online pranks @stephanieando

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