
Robtrinity: @SirThomasWynne When he crapped his brains: Wonder if he experienced excruciating pain; or did he barely notice their passage?

The first step is admitting you have a problem...

SophiaMcGrane: @SirThomasWynne it's true! on Thurs Julia Gillard said that peeps bail her up in street to tell her how much they regret voting for Abbott

GoTheGrey: @SirThomasWynne You are in fine firm today! I love that line... We take extra baths but the stink remains! Superb.

IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne HA HA HA HA! It's so true; I hear it from some of my Aussie followers. LOVE the meme!

DrHugoZHakenbus: @SirThomasWynne You were warned Sharman, & we all must face the consequences of our actions but why should we all suffer for your stupidity?

Poddumpuddytat: @SirThomasWynne ha good!! I'm glad it's hurting LNP voters. Next time they won't be so stupid.

TheTonester2: @SirThomasWynne scrub roughly with Ajax

cheryl_suzette: @SirThomasWynne Yes, no doubt they need those bags to cover their brain farts :)

sagunasws: @SirThomasWynne @AussieOskar Regrets, I've had a few & may I say too few to mention....important not to make the same mistake again!!

AnnPayer: @SirThomasWynne Regrets, there have been a few, but then too many to mention!

sagunasws: @SirThomasWynne @AussieOskar Regrets, I've had a few & may I say too few to mention....important not to make the same mistake again!!

AnnPayer: @SirThomasWynne Regrets, there have been a few, but then too many to mention!


cheryl_suzette: @SirThomasWynne Greedily eating his pig's bum, but not before he had polished off his daily bowl of stupid :)

TheGaffhook: @SirThomasWynne Rumour has it they offered him a shit sandwich, he refused it because he hates bread.

RoyanWg: @SirThomasWynne No Tony is not everyone's salvation however he is everyone's Liberator just ask Holden,Toyota,Qantas workers

SirThomasWynne: @RoyanWg and don't forget female liberation

RoyanWg: @SirThomasWynne Oh yes indeed, he is without doubt ,the greatest Liberator of all time.

Poddumpuddytat: @SirThomasWynne I couldn't sit through a photoshoot like that. The guy did well to just pull a face & not a punch lol

donaldpelvin1: @SirThomasWynne PIGGIE MAD MONK!

randlight: @SirThomasWynne shocked I think the onlooker was

IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne OMG...I started laughing as soon as I opened the picture! Funny as hell, Tom!

Robtrinity: @SirThomasWynne @forthleft Forgot himself and let his mind wander back to Pynie...

AnnPayer: @SirThomasWynne @leftocentre Stuffing it in at the expense of those in need. What a walloper!

Robtrinity: @SirThomasWynne @forthleft Forgot himself and let his mind wander back to Pynie...

AnnPayer: @SirThomasWynne @leftocentre Stuffing it in at the expense of those in need. What a walloper!


SophiaMcGrane: @SirThomasWynne HAH! :D that is hilarious

Poddumpuddytat: @SirThomasWynne damn straight lol! #marchinmarch

IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne What a tool he is! Awesome meme! Keep 'em coming. xx

cheryl_suzette: @SirThomasWynne And then one day Australia just snapped :)

MariaDuggan: @SirThomasWynne Great start today Tom

DrHugoZHakenbus: @SirThomasWynne I thought an up to date pic of Abbott's queen would be a better choice for the goon's office. He's into Grannies

DrHugoZHakenbus: @SirThomasWynne I thought an up to date pic of Abbott's queen would be a better choice for the goon's office. He's into Grannies

IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne LAUGHING MY ASS OFF! That is hilarious! Love the look on Tony's face. Great choice!

Poddumpuddytat: @SirThomasWynne Without his smuggled Budgie, he's teeeeny!

GoTheGrey: @SirThomasWynne One of your funniest yet! And then Tony whispered rather shyly "I love you".

cheryl_suzette: @SirThomasWynne leaders of the house of turds!

barnes1966: @SirThomasWynne This 1 will upset the Tories. Seems fair tho, given the constant vicious attacks on PM JG's ears, bum, marital status etc.

DrHugoZHakenbus: @SirThomasWynne Abbott: I've spent all my life hand feeding it Vlad. Show me your's and I'll show you mine. #thinkingmansdicks

TheTonester2: @SirThomasWynne they are a pair of fuckwits

barnes1966: @SirThomasWynne YES SIR! Penis envy driving the demise of our society. Stuck in Freudian phallic stage. #auspol

ShaughanA: @SirThomasWynne Putin: I Cen Crush you lik liddle milik containerzki! Abbott: I thought we were BFF's (nervous laugh as sphincter tightens)

leftocentre: Just what is Steve Ciobo doing at the back in this pic taken at the Liberal Turkish Steam Bath Rub & Tug fund raiser?

SirThomasWynne: @leftocentre pic also proves that Cory spends his daytimes in his coffin - no colour (white Australia policy in action)

leftocentre: @SirThomasWynne The Undeadshit

AnneMcLean4: @leftocentre @SirThomasWynne the undeadshit!!! love it

leftocentre: @AnneMcLean4 @SirThomasWynne It's yours!! ;-)
Prime Minister Julia Gillard copped her fair share of insults from media personalities and other politicians both inside and outside of the safety of parliamentary privilege:
Here are some much-publicised barbs aimed at Ms Gillard who became PM in 2010:
1. “On what should have been one of the proudest days of Gillard’s political career, she bungled it with a less than flattering haircut and a frumpy ’80s tapestry print jacket…Get yourself a stylist your own age.” Anita Quigley. Daily Telegraph. December 2006
2. “I mean anyone who chooses to remain deliberately barren… they've got no idea what life’s about.” Senator Bill Heffernan. The Bulletin. May 2007
3. “You won’t need his (PM Kevin Rudd) taxpayer-funded nanny, will you?” Sophie Mirabella. Parliament. May 2008
4. “She has chosen not to be a parent… she is very much a one-dimensional person… she just doesn’t understand the way parents think about their children when they reach a particular age.” Senator George Brandis. ABC Radio. January 2010
5. “She has showcased a bare home and an empty kitchen as badges of honour and commitment to her career. She has never had to make room for the frustrating demands and magnificent responsibilities of caring for little babies, picking up sick children from school, raising teenagers. Not to mention the needs of a husband or partner.” Janet Albrechtsen. The Australian. July 2010
6. “She looks like a real weakling.” Mark Latham. Sky News. August 2010
7. “Juliar Bob Brown’s Bitch” “Burn the Witch”. Placards at anti-carbon tax Rally. March 2011
8. “Put her ( Clover Moore, Lord Mayor of Sydney) in the same chaff bag as Julia Gillard and throw them both out to sea.” Alan Jones 2GB radio. July 2011
Alan Jones said Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s father, John Gillard – ‘died of shame’. Jones made the comments during a 50-minute speech to group of 100 Young Liberals at a $100-a-head function at Sydney University. The function reportedly also had auction items available, including a ‘chaff bag jacket signed by Alan Jones’ – in reference to previously offensive comments Jones has made about the Prime Minister. Alan Jones Oct 2012.
9. “You’ve got a big arse, Julia, just get on with it.” Germaine Greer. ABC. Q&A. March 2012
10. “(Australians)… ought to be out there kicking her to death.” Grahame Morris (former John Howard staffer turned lobbyist) Sky News. April 2012
11. “Gillard won’t lie down and die“ Tony Abbott 2013
In fact, Julia had been subjected to the man's taunts, eye-rolling, jibes and sexist comments for the entire tenure of her prime ministership. This encouraged her to formalise a speech about his misogyny which became a viral internet sensation and is still viewed constantly on YouTube.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard copped her fair share of insults from media personalities and other politicians both inside and outside of the safety of parliamentary privilege:
Here are some much-publicised barbs aimed at Ms Gillard who became PM in 2010:
1. “On what should have been one of the proudest days of Gillard’s political career, she bungled it with a less than flattering haircut and a frumpy ’80s tapestry print jacket…Get yourself a stylist your own age.” Anita Quigley. Daily Telegraph. December 2006
2. “I mean anyone who chooses to remain deliberately barren… they've got no idea what life’s about.” Senator Bill Heffernan. The Bulletin. May 2007
3. “You won’t need his (PM Kevin Rudd) taxpayer-funded nanny, will you?” Sophie Mirabella. Parliament. May 2008
4. “She has chosen not to be a parent… she is very much a one-dimensional person… she just doesn’t understand the way parents think about their children when they reach a particular age.” Senator George Brandis. ABC Radio. January 2010
5. “She has showcased a bare home and an empty kitchen as badges of honour and commitment to her career. She has never had to make room for the frustrating demands and magnificent responsibilities of caring for little babies, picking up sick children from school, raising teenagers. Not to mention the needs of a husband or partner.” Janet Albrechtsen. The Australian. July 2010
6. “She looks like a real weakling.” Mark Latham. Sky News. August 2010
7. “Juliar Bob Brown’s Bitch” “Burn the Witch”. Placards at anti-carbon tax Rally. March 2011
8. “Put her ( Clover Moore, Lord Mayor of Sydney) in the same chaff bag as Julia Gillard and throw them both out to sea.” Alan Jones 2GB radio. July 2011
Alan Jones said Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s father, John Gillard – ‘died of shame’. Jones made the comments during a 50-minute speech to group of 100 Young Liberals at a $100-a-head function at Sydney University. The function reportedly also had auction items available, including a ‘chaff bag jacket signed by Alan Jones’ – in reference to previously offensive comments Jones has made about the Prime Minister. Alan Jones Oct 2012.
9. “You’ve got a big arse, Julia, just get on with it.” Germaine Greer. ABC. Q&A. March 2012
10. “(Australians)… ought to be out there kicking her to death.” Grahame Morris (former John Howard staffer turned lobbyist) Sky News. April 2012
11. “Gillard won’t lie down and die“ Tony Abbott 2013
In fact, Julia had been subjected to the man's taunts, eye-rolling, jibes and sexist comments for the entire tenure of her prime ministership. This encouraged her to formalise a speech about his misogyny which became a viral internet sensation and is still viewed constantly on YouTube.
I love this little cartoon clip about Tony Abbott's first 100 days in Government. It ends with a shot of Rupert Murdoch hugging Tony - for those who may be wondering!
Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
BOConnorMP: Revealing the Government's secret plan on industrial relations. Frightening stuff for Australian workers #auspol

BOConnorMP: Here it is. The secret document the Government didn't want you to see. #auspol
(Click pic to enlarge)
Sweeping inquiry into Fair Work Act
CHRIS UHLMANN: Labor's Fair Work Act is set to be reviewed by the economic hard heads at the Productivity Commission and this morning there are the first signs of just how sweeping that inquiry will be.
Fairfax Media has published the inquiry's draft terms of reference and they include examining penalty rates, pay and conditions, unfair dismissal, enterprise bargaining, flexibility and union militancy.
But the report says that the inquiry is to be framed around "fair and equitable pay and conditions for employees," including maintaining "a relevant safety net".
Eric Abetz is the Employment Minister.
Eric Abetz, can you tell us what is in the Productivity Commission inquiry's terms of reference? Can you confirm that it will include penalty rates, pay and condition, enterprise bargaining and the like?
ERIC ABETZ: What we said in our policy, we are not doing anything more, we're not doing anything less other than undertaking a comprehensive and broad review of the laws and a thorough analysis, which is exactly what we promised.
And we said we would task the Productivity Commission with doing that. That is what we're going to do. And I would simply remind your listeners that it was the Productivity Commission that recommended the National Disability Insurance Scheme, showing that the Productivity Commission is both economically robust and socially sensitive.
Labor promised to have a review but they only had a Clayton's review and so we went to the people at the last election promising a thorough review and that is what we'll have.
CHRIS UHLMANN: Certainly, but the terms of reference have been distributed to the states as you say and they now have been leaked, at least the draft terms of reference. And on seeing them the ACTU (Australian Council of Trade Unions) president Ged Kearney has said the Government appears to be putting the entire workplace relations system on trial. Is that fair comment?
ERIC ABETZ: What we're doing is giving an independent body that has a reputation for social sensitivity and economic robustness the opportunity to advise as to future direction for workplace relations laws. So that will allow organisations like the ACTU to have full input into the future direction. And might I add, the ACTU has been part of the consultation process.
CHRIS UHLMANN: And is as they say, everything up for grabs - awards, penalty rates, enterprise bargaining, protection from unfair dismissal?
ERIC ABETZ: As you would be aware I am not in a position to pre-empt what is going to be in the terms of reference other than to say we did promise a comprehensive and broad review of the laws.
CHRIS UHLMANN: But we do see a growing drumbeat from business and indeed your own backbench that's calling for penalty rate relief and it's calling for it now, isn't it?
ERIC ABETZ: Look there is a growing demand that we have a look at certain aspects of our workplace relations laws, might I add, joined in by Paul Howes from the Australian Workers Union and a former president of the ACTU, Martin Ferguson. And so a number of Labor and union officials are starting to realise that the Labor government's previous review of the Fair Work Act simply didn't do the job and we are now undertaking that which the former Labor government should have done.
CHRIS UHLMANN: Now this Productivity Commission inquiry is due to report back in April 2015. The federal election of course is not due until around about August 2016. Is there any prospect that the Government will do anything from this report before the next election?
ERIC ABETZ: The Coalition has been very clear that all that we will seek to do in this term of government is to implement our policy. Any proposals that might arise from the Productivity Commission review will be considered and if we adopt them, we will take them as part of our policy platform to the next election.
CHRIS UHLMANN: Employment Minister, Eric Abetz.
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