cheryl_suzette: @SirThomasWynne These two have to go #LightTheDark

HRP_org: NY Times slams Australia’s cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of asylum seekers http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/22/world/asia/un-office-criticizes-australia-detention-policies.html?_r=1
… #auspol

HRP_org: The story of the deleted photos - #malaria infested mosquitos, cells that look like cages for mentally unstable http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/manus-island-the-cell--that-immigration-did-not-want-you-to-see-20140221-337n0.html

Weary7: Sydney Townhall, Australia as it's heart pours out for Reza Berati #LightTheDark

AndrewSCasey: #LightTheDark

senthorun: Light it up. #lightthedark #RezaBerati @amnestyOz

GetUp: Amazing. Great crowd in Brisbane tonight! RT @ohill8 #LightTheDark Brisbane

aptronym: #LightTheDark #auspol #Sydney

GetUp: Incredible and beautiful crowd in Sydney tonight RT @ElliotG78 Go Sydney. #compassion #LightTheDark

stilgherrian: Dear Mr Abbott, this was Reza Berati. He died on your watch. "Responsibility" you said? http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-07-08/abbott-will-take-responsibility-for-asylum-seeker-deaths/4806586 … Do it.

Zaria57: U.N. Office Criticizes Australia Detention Policies http://nyti.ms/1jTvqRa

I_enigma: As a way to deflect from the Detention Centre death, I predict, starting Mon, Gov media topic will be the raising of pension age from 67 to 75.


woolkebb: Proud of everyone involved in peaceful #LightTheDark rallies tonight - it gives us hope because we know this is not Our Australia #auspol

plumandmustard: In tears about the great turnout for #LightTheDark Thank you, Australia. Our government might be heartless, but we are not.

AmyFeldtmann: Melbourne #LightTheDark crowd listen to @FatherBob | #auspol #ManusIsland

Kon__K: Father of Reza Berati said of his son's killers "they have broken my heart". Tonight we honour his memory, we #LightTheDark for your son.

ch150ch: @BreakfastNews Will you report or ignore #LightTheDark - 700 vigils around Oz, 1000s gathered in Syd & Mel alone to remember Reza Berati

eithne52: #LightTheDark all around Australia - restoring our hope/faith in each other. To the 10's of thousands attending we are cheering & thank you.

tweedtso: #LightTheDark I stand and applaud you all

ASRC1: Tonight Australians unite to say no more, not in our name. Thank you Brisbane for #LightTheDark for #asylum seekers

DavidStratton9: I do not accept the notion that I occupy the same species as Tony Abbott.

Summertime1946: I honour all the people who stood up for decency tonite at the #LightTheDark vigils. Hold on to it. Don't let the bastards get us down.

TaraNipe: Fed Square's packed with people standing up and speaking out against our #AsylumSeeker policy #LightTheDark

randlight: @SirThomasWynne I am so disgusted I can hardly speak

GaryFallon2: @SirThomasWynne Just what they wanted. Die on the high seas or die in detention. Coloured people keep out of Oz.

leftocentre: @SirThomasWynne truly are grubs.

colleenhm: @SirThomasWynne Tom- the sooner the demise of Abbott comes the better for Australia & justice & dignity for all!

WezKing: @SirThomasWynne I was going to say blood on their hands and shit for their brains

53keithm: @SirThomasWynne Royal Com shld be held. OZ is responsible for their incarceration. Duty of Care has not been met. LNP r at fault!

amandayogaglow: #lightthedark in Hazelbrook, Blue Mountains- almost 100 community members shining a light @getup

SXNewsTas: Candlelight vigil in support of asylum seekers outside Parliament House #Hobart #LightTheDark photo: @AdamReibel

fitzyfitzy: Great turnout here at #LightTheDark Hobart

harrypusspuss: LNP trolls of desperation attacking because they know that the tide has turned, Australia is waking up to the evil that is the Abbott Gov

sem4peter: Lighting the Dark - Port Adelaide at the base of a very familiar lighthouse. #LightTheDark

GetUp: Bundeena residents #LightTheDark on Hordern's Beach.

bbaldwin2014: "Compassion is not weakness, concern for the unfortunate is not socialism" Hubert H Humphrey #LightTheDark #Melbourne

sarahinthesen8: Australia can be better than this. We can be a nation that helps not harms people who need our safety #lightthedark

JulianBurnside: Morrison now admits the Manus killing was INSIDE the centre. Aus staff stood and watched. Govt fails to protect safety of detainees

MariamVeiszadeh: Media Personality& Author Dr Karl was a "boat person" & son of a "people smuggler".Take a look at what he has to say

PennyWrites: From my darling daughter: "Thousands in Adelaide for the candlelight vigil" #humanity

ZEHSTy: Vigil outside Scott Morrison's electorate office in Cronulla #LightTheDark

Stop the Irish 1855.
Stop the Greeks 1946
Stop the Poms 1957
Stop the Vietnamese 1976
Stop the Boats,
how about we
Stop the Bullshit

BrigadierSlog: #LightTheDark

BrigadierSlog: #LightTheDark

MagdaSzubanski: #LightTheDark I can't be there tonight but I give my full support. Time to find humane bi-partisan approach ✌

lehmo23: 5,000 ++ people at Fed Square for #LightTheDark

lehmo23: 5,000 ++ people at Fed Square for #LightTheDark

Mikey_Nicholson: Melbourne you are a magnificent bastard. #lightthedark

alicia_j_burke: I hope you watched us #LighttheDark @TonyAbbottMHR @ScottMorrisonMP . Only liars fear the light of truth

MariaDuggan: @SirThomasWynne Tom! This is fantastic! great post! Just back from Melbourne vigil! Very moved!

sstockbr: #lighthedark journos please report, candlelight vigils around Australia tonight. Australians for humane treatment of refugees

TrendsAustralia: #lighthedark is now trending in Australia http://trendsmap.com/au

Bordercrim: From Aus: via @ASRC1 & @SerinaMcDuff: #LightTheDark vigils across Australia in support of refugees #asylum #auspol ”

Weary7: Australia shows the world how to unseat a government peacefully. Proud day. RIP Reza #LightTheDark

No more visas you need,
No more asylum you seek,
For Reza in spirit you are now Australian.

SirThomasWynne: As I head to be bed I'd just like to thank the people of Australia for adopting REZA BARATI - he's one of us now x
Scott Morrison should be put in the dock
February 24, 2014
Michael Gordon
Political editor, The Age
Scott Morrison's own conduct should now be the subject of the inquiry he has commissioned into the chaos and disaster that unfolded on Manus Island last week. The inquiry's terms of reference should be widened to include who gave the Immigration Minister such wildly inaccurate information after the violence - and what steps he took to verify it before going public. The minister now concedes he was wrong to assert, without qualification, that 23-year-old Iranian Reza Barati was killed outside the detention centre when he and others "absconded" from the "safety" it afforded. But this is not the only one of his initial assertions that is in dispute. He also said the asylum seeker who was shot in the buttocks received his wound "outside the centre", that just two shots were fired and there was no suggestion anyone employed by security contractor G4S was involved. All have been challenged. Even when he conceded that there were "conflicting reports" about where Mr Barati died, Mr Morrison insisted, again without qualification, he could "guarantee" the safety of asylum seekers who remain in the centre and who "conduct themselves" appropriately.
The logical conclusion is he is accusing all those injured of misbehaving, yet his statement is contradicted by graphic accounts I have received from those who tended the wounded, including the dying Mr Barati. They tell stories of terrified asylum seekers, who had not been involved in any form of protest or name-calling, hiding under their beds before being dragged out by locals employed by security contractor G4S and beaten or slashed. On Sunday, Mr Morrison seemed to be preparing the way for a get-out from his "guarantee", asserting that where asylum seekers behaved in a "riotous and aggressive" behaviour, this "will escalate the risk to everyone in the centre". Alarm bells should have been ringing once it became clear that more than 60 unarmed asylum seekers had suffered injuries, many of them serious and one causing death, yet no one else was hurt and little property was damaged. Another matter of contention that must be investigated is the catalyst for heightened tensions among the asylum seekers. The minister dismisses as "false" reports that the asylum seekers were told on the Sunday they had no prospect of permanent resettlement in Australia, a third country or on Manus and should accept voluntary return to their homelands. He insists they were told those found to be refugees would be offered settlement in PNG, that a third country option would not be offered - and neither PNG nor Australia would assist in finding one. This account is rejected by whistle-blowing interpreter Azita Bokan and another who was present but has asked his name not be used. They say the message was that the asylum seekers should go back to where they came from. The bigger questions, which will not be addressed by the inquiry, are whether the detention centres on Manus Island and Nauru are operating in contravention of Australia's international treaty obligations, and, most importantly, whether there is a more humane way to stop the boats.

Personally supports Rupert every way he can...

GoTheGrey: @SirThomasWynne I can hear that stupid chuckle, laugh thing he does right about now.

IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne LOL You sure are good at making him look like the biggest fucking idiot!

randlight: @SirThomasWynne so true Tom disgusting

MiztaRabbit: @SirThomasWynne @leftocentre On his way to a solid bog session?

JaneReid5: @SirThomasWynne Murdoch is shielding @TonyAbbottMHR from the real news that intelligent people don't like you Tone pic.twitter.com/O48rPDnpNF

Dancingchick56: @SirThomasWynne SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK........VOMIT

Hahha - Tony Abbott assures us he's not having affairs...

albsie: @SirThomasWynne well the little missus is MIA, maybe she is jealous of his passion for him!

IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne Ha ha ha...A bit narcissistic, is he.

HazRobert: @SirThomasWynne #auspol I suppose sociopaths could love someone or should it be considered self abuse.

sagunasws: @SirThomasWynne @pat23baker He absolutely is in love with himself & can't understand why the rest of us hate him. It's a nasty vicious plot.

randlight: @SirThomasWynne he is Narcissus personified!



DavidKehoe10: @SirThomasWynne At last a bag to carry your scum in! lol

leftocentre: @DavidKehoe10 @SirThomasWynne Plastic lined too!

IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne Chuckles! His face kills me!

fiona9000: @SirThomasWynne Abbott what a daft bum-rag.

piesnchess: @SirThomasWynne LOVE it, this could sell like hot cakes. !!!!! LOL LOL

colleenhm: @SirThomasWynne great products ...funny!

KissStephanie: He's a far right-wing douchebag, so the next product in his line should be the 'Tony Abbott teabag.' #AusPol @SirThomasWynne

redwombat101: @SirThomasWynne where's the one that says "arsewipe"

richardtuffin: Poss. best seller at Canberra show. @SirThomasWynne


RobRoo79: @SirThomasWynne Somebody stop him!

GoTheGrey: @SirThomasWynne Not suitable for children. Panned by the critics. Worst movie ever!

IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne He does look evil, or at least, fucking scary!

sagunasws: @SirThomasWynne The evil is not behind the mask it is blatantly transparent for all the world to see.

prlloyd63: @SirThomasWynne Following #themask, #abbott would be perfectly cast in another #jimcarrey film

stunuts1948: @sirthomaswynne Budgie driven evil with a mixture of Credlin and Rupe topping.

ShaughanA: @SirThomasWynne Only the Shadow knows the Evil that lurk's inside all men!

ShaughanA: @SirThomasWynne Only the Shadow knows the Evil that lurk's inside all men!
bamboozled3: @SirThomasWynne Ya can hide anything behind lycra

colleenhm: @SirThomasWynne Salute all your memes & pics Tom!

sniperkitty_009: @SirThomasWynne lol thanks for the laugh, needed that! :)

pepiermargot: @SirThomasWynne that's cute Sir T :)) sharing
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