MY LITTLE MARGIE: Is Tony still seeing women like in the 1950's TV Show?

IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne That wanker actually said that? He's proud to be a misogynist! What a fuck wad. Great meme, Tom xx

MarkMMerrett: @SirThomasWynne arnt all conservatives like that?

randlight: @SirThomasWynne #PMthing is 1950 era full stop

mm_ssssshh: @SirThomasWynne Because being in a family of women makes him a feminist. Not.

duncanbourne: @SirThomasWynne @flyinemu Hazy figures flitting here and there.Except Peta, she's terrifying.

prlloyd63: @SirThomasWynne @randlight #abbott's favourite show from the 50's is #ilovelucy, especially when she washes, irons and cleans for me

sheree_drylie: @SirThomasWynne I'm happy to spend some time with Tony to assist with re-education. I can guarantee he won't find me so easily managed :)

BardMuse: @sheree_drylie @SirThomasWynne Ha! Same here! We'd give him hell, sista!

Vooper33Kevin: @SirThomasWynne He appears to have placed his Margie in the cupboard - where is she and where are the girls? @maureen_walton

Angrybudgie: @SirThomasWynne no he's seeing them as they were in his family second to him.

maddiet5: @SirThomasWynne can someone put the active ingredient back into Bex...

DavidJTwomey: @SirThomasWynne @maddiet5 even tho Margie is no longer on the scene?

leafyflower1: @SirThomasWynne makes me sick! Margie you are a beard!! We know it! He knows it but when will she get it?!

GoTheGrey: @SirThomasWynne Hello ladies! What a catch!

Edzones: @SirThomasWynne Tom I don't like dragging families into these political themes I figure his wife has it tough enough bring married to him

whereeveryouR: @SirThomasWynne '50s sitcoms there wasn't a man who physically intimidated a woman nor bully another to become PM

Robtrinity: @SirThomasWynne At least the original, 'My Little Margie' had a laugh or two...The current reincarnation is grim and humourless..

MonORCA_Gilbert: @SirThomasWynne He's such a sanctimonious prick.


SophiaMcGrane: @SirThomasWynne love the look on Abbott's face ;) wonder what's going thru his mind? mind? going? thru? silly me..

IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne LOL This cracked me up.

prlloyd63: @SirThomasWynne This is an example of "you are not what you eat"

JjzJon: @SirThomasWynne I think he now regrets he gave them $16bn. If he's not too busy umming & ahhing.

monti862: @SirThomasWynne thought they were jelly beans,the colours got him confused.

randlight: @SirThomasWynne gettng more obvious by the day

prlloyd63: @SirThomasWynne @randlight If #abbott was the Milky bar kid, he would say "The Milky bars are on.....the Australian tax payers"

RedJules4: @SirThomasWynne @leftocentre CALASSIC!!

KissStephanie: @SirThomasWynne I'm surprised Tony Abbott hasn't demanded Cadbury to stop making brown chocolate & that all chocolate must be white. #AusPol

WezKing: @KissStephanie @Cobra1A @SirThomasWynne Pyne asked them to leave out the fruit and nuts cos he thinks they're making fun of him!

helphelpandhelp: @KissStephanie @Cobra1A @SirThomasWynne White chocolate abbott eggs

GoTheGrey: @SirThomasWynne Just don't call him a dickhead. It's very upsetting to his delicate soul.


IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne Cute! LOL

SophiaMcGrane: @SirThomasWynne BREAKING.. doctors locate Abbott's brain

SirThomasWynne: @SophiaMcGrane ... FILTH ..... stop sending me pics of his genitals xxx

SophiaMcGrane: @SirThomasWynne hah! :D))

mkentwell: @SophiaMcGrane @SirThomasWynne marvellous what you can find with an electron microscope - see, science wins again!

davidjcalleja: @SophiaMcGrane @SirThomasWynne Peanut declares comparison to Tony Abbott's brain "unfair" to Global Legume Movement. #qt #auspol

SophiaMcGrane: @davidjcalleja @SirThomasWynne hah! good call :D)

davidjcalleja: @SophiaMcGrane @SirThomasWynne Legume Movement: Coalition policies "tow and shell", lack nuts, heart and soul. #qt #auspol

Gary150iq: @SirThomasWynne "What we haf here, is a failure to communicate!!! But don't worry, We haf ways ov making you talk!!!!.

TheWillowGhost: @SirThomasWynne He should be sectioned.

mm_ssssshh: @SirThomasWynne Is that a full $6 you're going to bill him?

GoTheGrey: @SirThomasWynne No wonder Abbott hates science so much.

Seedswapper: @SirThomasWynne Sir Anthony of the Cathedral of Consumption. The Roman Church, Sydney Mob, Has been exposed. $1.2 Billion bank

Seedswapper: @SirThomasWynne Sir Anthony of the Cathedral of Consumption. The Roman Church, Sydney Mob, Has been exposed. $1.2 Billion bank

THE 300

kat_scorp: If Aussie MSM were any more biased, it'd be China. @SirThomasWynne #marchinmarch #Auspol #WAvotes

randlight: @SirThomasWynne You are not surprised are you re Phone Tapping Murdoch rags

JjzJon: @SirThomasWynne Unbelievable! The biased MSM. Let's blaze the social media and start a revolution against bigots, social-leeches.

davidjcalleja: @SirThomasWynne Tony Abbott stars in '300', the Fart-ahhhhh movement who marched their crap on Canberra.

prlloyd63: @SirThomasWynne As REM sang recently “It’s the end of the (News of the) world as we know it, and I feel fine”

Caitlen2310: @SirThomasWynne Ahh yes, The Bolt Revolt on Sunday said that Julia Gillard never suffered humiliation as Abbott Rabbitt has!

Jude01: @SirThomasWynne And we are surprised why?

5dragons: @SirThomasWynne Australia's new democracy.

leafyflower1: @SirThomasWynne and worst of all the lies spread by @KellyODwyer on #qanda !! when will she get her head out of TAs butt?

DIAL "M" FOR....?

JjzJon: @SirThomasWynne Hitchcock couldn't have picked a better lot of sleaze-bags for the show.

SirThomasWynne: @JjzJon hope they fade to obscurity soon

ResignInShame: @SirThomasWynne Who? ;) @JjzJon

IntuitiveGal1: @SirThomasWynne Wow! That's absolutely brilliant in every way, Tom! You're awesome!

mm_ssssshh: @SirThomasWynne I'm not taking that call.

dionkennedy1: @SirThomasWynne He did but see her passing by ....... Don't forget Dial M for Ma'am

z3n_digital: @SirThomasWynne lol

Povah_F: @SirThomasWynne @cheryl_suzette Dial M for Mugwumps

krONik: Moron #AUSpol @SirThomasWynne

lorrainewhat: Hell's Bells Tony Abbott. Description following Washington Post interview. Via Facebook Page Football Meat Pies etc

lorrainewhat: Hell's Bells Tony Abbott. Description following Washington Post interview. Via Facebook Page Football Meat Pies etc

DeptOfAustralia: #auspol

MikeCarlton01: We have hit a new low when the Attorney General of Australia can back the bigotry of the loutish, boorish, self-pitying Andrew Bolt.

JaneReid5: Abbott Govt is most destructive & wasteful ever, why waste so much time on repealing 18c which has worked for 20yrs. #BigotBrandis #Auspol

TonyIKnow: Bigotry For Dummies... #auspol

vanOnselenP: I'm confused: AG George Brandis: Aussies are "free to be bigots". PM Tony Abbott: "bigotry & racism have no place" in Australia.

sheree_drylie: #GeorgeBrandis promotes a niche tourism market for Aus #bigotlife #RacialDiscriminationAct #auspol #MarchinMarch

JaneReid5: Abbott Govt is most destructive & wasteful ever, why waste so much time on repealing 18c which has worked for 20yrs. #BigotBrandis #Auspol

TonyIKnow: Bigotry For Dummies... #auspol

vanOnselenP: I'm confused: AG George Brandis: Aussies are "free to be bigots". PM Tony Abbott: "bigotry & racism have no place" in Australia.

sheree_drylie: #GeorgeBrandis promotes a niche tourism market for Aus #bigotlife #RacialDiscriminationAct #auspol #MarchinMarch

StanSteam2: Abbott's pseudo reform on the spin cycle... … #auspol #financialderegulation #redtape

otiose94: #Auspol #Corruption, Corporate Governance #sinodinos #QandA

Bowenchris: What a difference a day makes. Policy on the run. Time to drop your windback of consumer protections @mathiascormann

krONik: Rupert Murdoch's covert infiltration of @ABCNews24 begins #AUSpol HT @deanhepburn @MikeCarlton01 @TheRealPBarry

william7424: Australian Navy Blew Up Asylum Boat: Indonesia Police - The Jakarta Globe #auspol.

deanprocter: Cardinal George Pell wants guy who gave a pedo priest a glowing reference to decide how pedo victims are compensated. #auspol Seems legit.

MarionGroves: George Pell wants the Abbott govt to decide what damages will be paid to child abuse victims, a government led by his best mate. Yeah, right

MarionGroves: George Pell wants the Abbott govt to decide what damages will be paid to child abuse victims, a government led by his best mate. Yeah, right

StanSteam2: Australia's hardcore #asylumseekers policy is inhumane and unsustainable. … #auspol #manis

FatherBob: Why, in God's/Good's name, does the biggest, richest, emptiest place in the region beg, bribe, bully the poorest to "take" our refugees?

Days2DeTonement: Adding to the list of #LNP biases #864Days #Days2DeTonement #Auspol @SirThomasWynne

flyinemu: @SirThomasWynne Scumbag Morrison on ABC dismiss new claims of burns as recycled but admits choosing what to report #auspol

z3n_digital: @flyinemu @SirThomasWynne The claims are not recycled..UN just confirmed Oz Military personal deliberately burned them #auspol

randlight: @z3n_digital @flyinemu @SirThomasWynne Is that right do you have a link please

flyinemu: @randlight that would be helpfull to see @z3n_digital @SirThomasWynne

z3n_digital: @randlight @flyinemu @SirThomasWynne … Latest UN investigation confirms event .. All stories are the same

Simon_Cullen: Christopher Pyne says Labor's behaviour towards the Speaker Bronwyn Bishop is "verging on bullying"

grumpyMichael: @Simon_Cullen How can you report that with a straight face? Well? The Libs have lost the plot entirely & STILL the media go along with it.
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